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News & Announcements

SEASPAR Spotlight: October

We are thrilled to shine the SEASPAR Spotlight on Connor Brennan for October! Connor is the kind of friend who lights up any room with his cheerful spirit and willingness to try new things, an outstanding athlete with a heart of gold.

SEASPAR Spotlight: September

As our September SEASPAR Spotlight, Blaine Sharenow stands out for his enthusiasm, kindness, and talent, which makes him a valuable member of our community.

Sips for SEASPAR

Invite your friends and join us for a day of community, craft beer, and supporting a fantastic cause at Miskatonic Brewing in Darien on September 16!

Welcome to SEASPAR

SEASPAR (the South East Association for Special Parks And Recreation) is a special recreation association that enriches lives through recreation.

SEASPAR’s service areas include the park districts of Clarendon Hills, Darien, Downers Grove, La Grange, La Grange Park, Lemont, Lisle, Westmont, and Woodridge, and the villages of Brookfield, Indian Head Park, Western Springs and Willowbrook. Anyone with a disability residing in those incorporated entities may participate in our programs.

It is our vision to: Discover Abilities, Achieve Potential, and Realize Dreams. SEASPAR operates with the following core values: Fun, Friendships, Caring, Trust, and Accountability.

Take advantage of our variety of offerings to discover abilities, achieve potential, realize dreams, and have FUN!

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